Business Manager
The Day Camp Health Supervisor’s role is to be the person at camp who is responsible for first aid treatment and health concerns at camp. They will participate in a volunteer-run day camp program that is consistent with the Girl Scout Mission, Program Goals, Promise, Law, and all Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Western Washington policies and health and safety standards.
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Health Supervisor for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 60 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will mostly be spent at camp and some limited time will be spread out over a planning and preparation period leading up to the opening of day camp and following the end of the day camp session.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Health Supervisor is supported by and accountable to the Day Camp Director.
- Assist business manager with orientation of day camp volunteers in health and safety standards
- Assist Director with development of an emergency plan for various situations
- Be familiar with emergency procedures. Have emergency transportation available at all times
- Ensure that a health history form has been completed for everyone in camp and is available on site
- Give first aid treatment to campers and volunteers as needed and as outlined in Girl Scouts of Western Washington policy.
- Keep a permanent record of all treatment given in a health log
- Maintain first aid supplies. Replenish supplies as necessary
- Call campers who do not attend on each day of camp to determine reason for absence
- Supervise the safety of food storage, garbage disposal, hand washing facilities, dishwashing procedures and cleanliness of toilet facilities through daily camp inspection
- General camp cleanliness and safety
- Complete and submit incident reports and insurance claims
- Establish a process to notify families of any illness or accidents
- Turn in closing Health & Safety reports including – copy of health log entries, health history forms and registration forms of impacted campers/volunteers, incident reports
- Participate in evaluation at the end of camp
- Good organization and communication skills
- Must hold certification in First Aid and CPR from Girl Scouts-approved first aid training by the start of camp. Training can be reimbursed by camp.
- Must complete the online GSWW training for health supervisors
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Health Supervisor for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 60 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will mostly be spent at camp and some limited time will be spread out over a planning and preparation period leading up to the opening of day camp and following the end of the day camp session.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Health Supervisor is supported by and accountable to the Day Camp Director.