Forest Green Unit Leaders
The Day Camp Forest Green Unit Leader’s role is to provide leadership and supervision of campers in the forest green unit that will be camping part of the week at River Ranch GS camp. And deliver day camp program that is consistent with the Girl Scout Mission, Program Goals, Promise, Law, and all Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Western Washington policies and health and safety standards.
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Forest Green Unit Leaders for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 50 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will be spread out over a pre-camp orientation and planning period prior to the opening of day camp and the duration of the day camp session. This position is required to be at camp all week and overnight camp Tuesday - Thursday.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Forest Green Unit Leader is supported by and accountable to Day Camp Business Manager who coordinates the volunteers. They are also supported by the Day Camp Leadership Team.
- Attend all day camp pre-camp volunteer orientation sessions (mandatory)
- Camp overnight with the unit Tuesday – Thursday of the day camp session
- Build relationships with campers and other volunteers that is sensitive to the needs of individuals and the group
- Coordinate and assist with the opening and closing of the unit each day and at the beginning and end of camp
- Be responsible for the campers’ health and safety, with awareness of physical condition and needs including diet and eating habits, medications and special needs, in collaboration with the Health Supervisor
- Work with campers and other volunteers to plan and execute program activities for the unit, within the framework and schedule planned by the Leadership Team.
- Provide transportation to and from River Ranch for the camping portion of the session
- Coordinate unit activities with special program areas, other units and all-camp activities
- Participate in volunteer meetings during camp and in final evaluation
- Keep attendance records and other reports as directed
- Support Teen Leaders in their leadership development activities
- Represent day camp and Girl Scouts in a positive light to campers, volunteers, guests, and the community.
- Ability and willingness to promote the Girl Scout experience
- Ability to effectively collaborate with a team of volunteers
- Ability to coach teen program aides and assist without taking control of the unit
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Forest Green Unit Leaders for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 50 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will be spread out over a pre-camp orientation and planning period prior to the opening of day camp and the duration of the day camp session. This position is required to be at camp all week and overnight camp Tuesday - Thursday.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Forest Green Unit Leader is supported by and accountable to Day Camp Business Manager who coordinates the volunteers. They are also supported by the Day Camp Leadership Team.