At drop off, we expect campers are “Girl Scout Ready”, which is an attestation of no covid symptoms and no contact with someone who has tested positive within the last 2 weeks. While masks are no longer required, we welcome anyone who feels more comfortable to still wear them. If a camper feels ill while at camp, they are expected to tell their unit leader and go see the camp health supervisor. Health assessment plan is described below. When checking in, these are the questions that will be asked for “Girl Scout Ready”:
In the last 72 hours have you/your Girl Scout experienced ANY of the following new symptoms that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity such as physical exercise?
Fever? Yes/No
Cough? Yes/No
Shortness of breath? Yes/No
Fatigue? Yes/No
Muscle Aches? Yes/No
Any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset or headaches? Yes/No
New loss of taste or smell? Yes/No
A temperature over 100°F? Yes/No
Have you had contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients in the last 14 days? Yes/No
Have you traveled outside of Washington State in the last two weeks? Yes/No
Guardian Requirements
Guardians are expected to drop off and pick up their campers in the timeline identified. If a camper is ill at camp, guardians are expected to pick up their camper within 20 mins of notification. The camper may be placed in our isolation area if the symptoms match covid symptoms, see health assessment plan described below. If a camper needs to leave early (non-illness related), Guardians need to come to the headquarters area to check out their camper. We will not allow campers to be released early without checking in with the camp director or health supervisor.
Staff Requirements
Volunteers and Program Aides are expected to be present all week and if they are not able to fulfill their volunteer commitment, they must notify the Camp Director or Program Aide Direction as soon as possible. When arriving at camp, staff will be required to do the same Girl Scout Ready attestation as campers.
Food Protocol
We will not be supplying lunch for our regular camp in-person session, but campers will be cooking food as part of their activities. We will be following food safety procedures and teaching them to the campers.
Cleaning Protocol
All hard surfaces will be cleaned before campers arrive and again after all campers have left.
Any highly used items will be disinfected regularly and shared materials will be limited and disinfected between campers.
Restrooms will be disinfected before campers arrive and again when campers have left
Hygiene Supplies
Handwashing stations and hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol will be present on site. Units will have access to them in a rotating manner and they will be cleaned between units.
Health Assessment
When a camper comes to the first aid location, they will be assessed to see if they should be isolated. We will use the following decision matrix to determine if isolation is necessary:
Isolation Protocol
An area will be setup where any campers or staff that start exhibiting symptoms where they can be isolated until a guardian can pick them up. Once the symptomatic person has been picked up, the area will be fully disinfected. If medical attention is required, the volunteer will wear gloves to provide care, and can choose to wear a mask.
If there is an isolation event, we will fill out an incident form with Girl Scouts of Western WA and notify parents at pickup of the event. The person who was isolated will need no symptoms for 24 hrs and a negative at home covid test to return to in-person component of camp.
For all other medical issues, there will be a separate area for campers and staff to receive medical attention.
Covid-19 Positive Case Protocol
We will be following Girl Scouts of Western Washington protocol for reporting positive cases. In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result, we will promptly contact a member of GSWW’s Customer Care Team at 800-541-9852 or [email protected], or the afterhours emergency line (800) 303-9963 if applicable. We will NOT personally contact the parents, troop members, or event participants. Once we’ve communicated a positive result to Customer Care, we will be directed to a GSWW Human Resources staff member who will be responsible for:
Ensuring an Incident Report is filled out by troop leadership or program host. GSWW will also ask for the participation roster to ensure contact tracing is managed appropriately.
Contacting potentially exposed individuals or parents of youth participants.
Notifying the facility where event or programming was held.
Alerting the State Department of Health.
Letting other volunteers know that council staff, NOT volunteers, will notify parents and others about a positive test result and that the individual’s identity is confidential. Girl Scout and volunteer health information is private and strictly confidential and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis with a council staff member.
Council staff will notify local health jurisdiction within 24 hours if there are two or more participants in the same activity who develop confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within a 14-day period. All Girl Scouts of Western WA covid guidelines and practices are documented at this site: