Business Manager
The Day Camp Business Manager’s role is to assist the Day Camp Director with development and implementation of a volunteer-run day camp program that is consistent with the Girl Scout Mission, Program Goals, Promise, Law, and all Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Western Washington policies and health and safety standards. The business manager will handle treasurer duties, website updates, and be the volunteer coordinator.
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Business Manager for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 40 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will be spread out over a planning and preparation period leading up to the opening of day camp and following the end of the day camp session. The business manager does not necessarily need to be at camp. The estimated hours of service are not inclusive of any time at camp.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Business Manager is supported by and accountable to the Day Camp Director. The leadership team also works very closely together to support each other in their roles.
- Serve as part of the Leadership Team of the day camp
- Attend day camp Leadership Team meetings, specifically when budget and volunteer agenda items are a topic
- Recruit, supervise, and support a team of camp volunteers, assuring that they receive all orientation and support necessary for success in their position and safety of day camp participants.
- Develop and lead Day Camp volunteer orientation. Inform all volunteers of methods and requirements for purchases, cash advances or reimbursements.
- Work with Day Camp Director to develop day camp budget, expense schedule and financial accountability procedures
- Maintain financial records of income, invoices, payments, reimbursements, cash advances, etc
- Process payment of all invoices, cash advances and requests for reimbursement according to established procedures
- Prepare closing financial reports and turn into the Director of Volunteer-Led Camps within 2 weeks of the end of camp
- Update the website with information from planning meetings. Such as key dates, information changes, and registration links.
- Transfer all records to the Day Camp Director at the end of camp
- Participate in evaluation at the end of camp
- Represent day camp and Girl Scouts in a positive light to campers, volunteers, guests, and the community.
- Good organization and communication skills
- Ability to effectively manage a team of volunteers
- Basic understanding of building a budget and ability to track income/expenses in an organized process
- Basic computer skills to be able to update the website (easy website UX updates)
- Ability and willingness to promote the Girl Scout program
Service Commitment: The Day Camp Director will appoint the Business Manager for a one year (renewable) term in which they can expect to provide a minimum of 40 hours of service, depending on the needs of the day camp. The service hours will be spread out over a planning and preparation period leading up to the opening of day camp and following the end of the day camp session. The business manager does not necessarily need to be at camp. The estimated hours of service are not inclusive of any time at camp.
Supervision and Support: The Day Camp Business Manager is supported by and accountable to the Day Camp Director. The leadership team also works very closely together to support each other in their roles.